Margin Files | GEPL Capital |
Check out the money needed to make any trade. GEPL Capital’s online Margin Files get updated on the daily basis to keep traders updated about the margin required to trade.
Investors are expected to pay the initial margin as defined by the exchange when placing an order for commodity futures, and this margin varies on a regular basis depending on market volatility.
This file contains information about the margin payable by the customers who have traded through the TM. Date, Client Code, SPAN Margin, Net Buy Premium, Total Margin, and Exposure Margin are the file formats.
This file provides details of the cross-margin advantage at the level of the trade member/CP code.
What is Margin File?
Margin File is a report that gives the margin summary for a Clearing Member for the trade date across all trading members/ custodial participants, clearing through him. The report gives a break up of Initial Margin and Premium Margin. (Margin Statement of Clearing Members: MG-09).