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Quarterly Settlement or Settlement of Funds and Securities
SLBM (Stock Lending And Borrowing Mechanism)
Change in Clearing Corporation under Interoperability from BSE to NSE
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Quarterly Settlement or Settlement of Funds and Securities
Circular for Quarterly settlement
Quarterly settlement clarification as per below Circular kindly click -
SEBI Circular No. CIR/HO/MIRSD/DOP/CIR/P/2019/139 dated 19.11.2019 (Click here)
NSE Circular No. NSE/INSP/36889 & NSE/INSP/43250 dated 02.02.2018 & 16.01.2020 (Click here)
Members need to consider the EOD balance of funds and securities of clients as on the date of settlement and ledger preferably should be zero
For the purpose of settlement of funds, the mode of transfer of funds shall be by way of electronic funds transfer viz., through National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT), Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).
As per Exchange Circular NSE/INSP/24849 dated October 29, 2013, Members may retain an amount of up to Rs 10,000/- (net amount across segment and across stock exchanges) after taking a one-time written consent of the client.
The above threshold limit on retention of amount shall not be applicable in case of clients who have not traded even once during the month/quarter in which the settlement is being undertaken.
EOD financial Balance | Amount of Retention as per Point 4 above | Balance Amount | Remarks |
50,000.00 | 45,000.00 | 5,000.00 | Not required to be Settled |
50,000.00 | 30,000.00 | 20,000.00 | Rs. 10,000 can be retained and remaining needs to be settled |
50,000.00 | Nil | 50,000.00 | Rs. 10,000 can be retained and Rs. 40,000 needs to be settled |
A Member is required to send to the client ‘statement of accounts’ containing an extract from the client ledger for funds, an extract from the register of securities displaying all receipts and deliveries of securities and a statement explaining the retention of funds and / or securities within 5 days from the date of settlement.
SLBM (Stock Lending And Borrowing Mechanism)
What is SLB?
Securities lending and borrowing (SLB) is temporary lending of securities executed by a lender to a borrower of securities, for a stipulated duration, at a certain fee.
The SLB scheme is facilitated by the Exchange, through a screen based exchange-traded system. It has a centralized anonymous order book and all the borrowing and lending are cleared, settled and guaranteed. The expected lending fee is quoted as price and the tenures are available up to 12 months.
In this Platform, trader can borrow shares that they do not already own or can lend the stocks that they own. An SLB transaction has a rate of interest and a fixed tenure.
SLB is a legally approved medium for lending and borrowing of securities. The regulations were originally formed by SEBI in May 1997 and last modified in Nov 2012. All market participants including retail (except Qualified Foreign Investors) in the Indian securities market have been permitted to lend/borrow securities but only through an Authorized Intermediary (AI).
NCL (NSE clearing limited) and BOISL (BSE clearing corporation) are the only 2 authorized intermediaries presently, NCL is preferred and is getting bulk of the transactions today by the GEPL.
Investors who are holding certain stocks in their Demat account and are not looking to sell them in near future can take an advantage of SLB segment and lend the stocks for a certain fee and a stipulated duration (determined on the basis of the contract entered into), whereas,
Traders who are looking for short term opportunities can borrow the shares and possibly gain from the price movement in the stock.
What are the Features of Securities lending and borrowing scheme
Automated screen-based trading platform with the online matching of trades based on price-time priority
Tenure of lending and borrowing available up to a period of 12 months
A facility for placing early recall request for the securities lent is provided to the lender
A facility for the borrower to make an early repayment of securities and further re-lend them
The transactions are based on fixed monthly tenures with specified reverse leg settlement dates and the tenure ranges from 1 month up to 12 months.
The specified reverse leg settlement date is the first Thursday of the corresponding month.
Each reverse leg settlement date is assigned a specific series number. Majorly securities traded in the F&O segment are eligible for lending & borrowing under the scheme.
Market timing 9:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Benefits for Lenders
Lenders can earn additional income from the idle portfolio held as they receive a certain fee to lend the stock, depending upon the demand and time value.
Lenders are entitled to all the corporate action like dividend, bonus etc. that takes place during the lending period.
No counterparty risk as all the transactions is guaranteed by the Clearing Corporations.
Transactions done in the SLB segment will not be treated as Transfer, based on clarification from Income Tax vide their circular no. 2/2008, dated 22 Feb, 2008 and Section 47(xv) of the Act. Thus there is no additional implication of Capital Gain Tax.
Benefits for Borrowers
SLB enables borrowers to meet the obligation in case of shortage in delivery and avoid an auction (seller shortage) in the Cash segment.
SLB enables arbitrage opportunity for borrowers if there is a price difference in the Cash and Derivatives market.
SLB enables borrowers to meet the obligation arising out of physical settlement under the derivatives segment.
The borrower would pay the dividend received on the record date + 1 (1 day after stock goes ex dividend) to the Exchange and the Exchange would pass it on to the lender of the securities.
In case of stock split, the borrower’s obligation is adjusted proportionately and lender receives the revised quantity.
Preferably, the transaction should be reversed in case of any corporate action.
As per the clarification from Income Tax vide their circular no. 2/2008, dated 22-2-2008 transactions done in the SLB shall not be regarded as transfer. For further details, please refer circular no. 2/2008, dated 22-2-2008 of the income tax department.
The Income Tax gives special recognition to SLBM; hence the trade is treated as an SLBM trade and there is no issue of Long Term or Short term gain.
The Income can be treated as Business Income or Short Term Income.
Margin & Other
All transactions under SLBS are subject to margins. The following margins are applicable for transactions under SLBS.
25% of the lending price is levied as margin on lending transactions on T day. This is released on completion of pay-in of T+1 settlement.
100% of the Lending price is levied as margin on the Participants for borrow transactions starting from T+1 day till the shares are returned by the borrower.
This is collected on an upfront basis at the time of the transaction.
The margin so collected is released on completion of pay-in of the respective settlement.
The applicable limit to the client shall be set as per the clear margin available in the client account.
In case of Lender, the Early Pay-in of the Shares shall be done as a normal practice before the execution of a trade
Lending fee
Lending fee refers to the actual price of the transaction at which the transaction is executed. Lending fee per share is quoted by the participants while entering into SLB Transactions.
Lending fee obligation is the lending fee per share*quantity of shares borrowed/lent.
For e.g., If a transaction is executed at Rs 5 per share for 100 shares of Security "X" then the total lending fee obligation for the borrower for security "X" will be Rs. 500.
The lending fee is levied as margin on the Participants for borrow transactions on T day on an upfront basis.
GST & other statutory charges are applicable as per the norms on Lending fees & Charges.
Documents required:
SLBM Registration forms
Addendum to POA
SLB thus is a prudent way for investors to make an additional income by lending their idle stocks at a certain fee, for the stipulated duration. The client can also borrow the stocks and can then benefit from arbitrage opportunity or meet the exchange obligation of the pay-in of stocks.
Process of Account Opening :
Step 1 : Opening the Trading account (New Customer) or Confirmation Letter (Existing client) along with Addendum
Step 2 : Allotment of UCC (Unique client Code)
Step 3 : Opportunity in Stock will be communicated or client can view it at https://www.nseindia.com/market-data/securities-lending-and-borrowing
Step 4 : Quote the Fees for Lending the share or call @ 022-66182362
Step 5 : DIS to be submitted for Early Payin of the Shares so Quoted or with POA the Shares payin shall happen immediately. Client having DP outside GEPL they may quote the market type as below:
DP |
Exchange/CC-ID | Market Type | Description |
41 |
SLB Lend |
NSDL | IN001002 | 23 | SLB FIRST LEG |
Step 6 : Contract Note shall be issued on the day of Transaction at EOD(End of Day)
Step 7 : NO Contract note shall be issued at the time of Expiry i.e First Thursday of the Month and the shares shall be credited to the client account automatically.
Execution Policy:
SLB orders will be placed only if the below conditions are satisfied:
The client should have given his/her physical consent to participate in the SLB segment
The client should not be deactivated/suspended on any or both the exchanges
The client should have required shares in Demat account
The stock should be part of the NSE derivatives segment
The order will be executed from the Head Office
Terms and Conditions:
This terms and conditions shall be read in conjunction with the KYC forms signed by the client during the account opening with GEPL Capital Pvt. Ltd. (herein referred to as ‘GEPL’)
This Facility shall be offered to the Clients at the sole discretion of ‘GEPL’.
Customers who wish to lend the shares should have the required number of shares in his/her Demat account before initiating the order placement; otherwise, the order will be rejected.
Customer who wishes to borrow the shares should have 100% of the lending price, Value at Risk margins, Extreme Loss Margins before placing an order.
‘GEPL’ reserves the right to refuse to offer this Facility to any Client or group of Clients and may withdraw the Facility at any time without prior notice or assigning any reason therefor.
‘GEPL’ will levy brokerage as per the market practice or as per ‘GEPL’ Management decision or as applicable in SLBM segment + GST on the lending/borrowing fee. Other statutory will be levy as per the exchange guidelines.
In case Of any discrepancy please call our customer care 022-66142701
Risk statement and disclaimer-
The Client agrees and understands that ‘GEPL Capital Pvt. Ltd.’ would not be liable in the event for reason including but not limited to volatility or system problems or slow or delayed response from system or trading halt, or any such other problem/glitch whereby not being able to establish access to the trading system/network, which may be beyond control of ‘GEPL Capital Pvt. Ltd.’
Change in Clearing Corporation under Interoperability from BSE to NSE
Clearing Corporation under Interoperability from BSE to NSE from 30.08.2021
w.e.f. 30th August 2021.under the Interoperability scheme we have opted for NSE (NCL) as our Clearing corporation in Cash Segment
This will affect the change in the Pool account for securities Pay-in and with effect from the above date any shares shall not be accepted in any other account apart from the below DP account for Securities Pay-in arising out of obligation.
Exchange/Depository | CM BP ID | Nature | DP Name | Market Type | Settlement (e.g | DP Account |
NSE/NSDL | IN511461 | GEPL Capital Pvt Ltd | Normal | 2021156 | ||
NSE/CDSL | M51146 | On-Market | GEPL Capital Pvt Ltd | Normal | 2021156 | 12012600 00002421 |
NSE/CDSL | M51146 | Early-Payin | GEPL Capital Pvt Ltd | Normal | 2021156 | 1100001100015139 |
*BOI/CDSL Client | Normal | 2021156 | 12012600 00002421 |
Attention Investors
1) Stock Brokers can accept securities as margin from clients only by way of pledge in the depository system w.e.f. September 1, 2020. 2) Update your mobile number & email Id with your stock broker/depository participant and receive OTP directly from depository on your email id and/or mobile number to create pledge. 3) Pay 20% upfront margin of the transaction value to trade in cash market segment. 4)Investors may please refer to the Exchange's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) issued vide circular reference NSE/INSP/45191 dated July 31, 2020 and NSE/INSP/45534 dated August 31, 2020 and other guidelines issued from time to time in this regard.5) Check your Securities /MF/ Bonds in the consolidated account statement issued by NSDL/CDSL every month. 6) For Stock Broking transaction : Prevent unauthorised transactions in your account 7) KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (Broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary 8) Update/ confirm your mobile number/email ID with us OR If you wish to change/ modify the current Mobile No. & E-mail ID, you are requested to provide MODIFICATION FORM duly filled in and signed OR If you do not want to provide Mobile No. & E-mail ID, you are requested to send DECLARATION FORM duly filled and signed. 9) Receive information of your transactions directly from exchange on your mobile/email at the end of the day...Issued in the interest of Investors 10) No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO. Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment. No worries for refund as the money remain in investor's account. 11)As per SEBI Circular MIRSD/ SE /Cir-19/2009 dated December 3, 2009 Client transaction account shall be required to do the actual settlement of funds and securities at least once in a Quarter or month.
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Create a TicketGEPL CAPITAL PRIVATE LIMITED: CIN No.- U67120MH1997PTC110941 Registered office address- D-21, Dhanraj Mahal, CSM Marg, Colaba, Mumbai-400001;Tel No.-022 66182400, SEBI Registration No’s- GEPL Capital Private Limited- INZ000168137(NSE and BSE); CDSL- IN-DP-CDSL-27-99;Research Analyst Certificate No.:-INH000000081; AMFI-ARN-27210;
DISCLAIMER: Please read the risk disclosure documents prescribed by the Stock Exchange carefully before investing. There is no assurance or guarantee of the returns. Investment in the securities market is subject to market risk, read all the related documents carefully before investing.
You agree that GEPL Capital Pvt. Ltd. can modify or alter the terms and conditions of the use of this service without any liability. GEPL Capital Pvt. Ltd. has launched e-broking services. It reserves the right to decide the criteria based on which customers would be allowed to avail of these services.